Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Happy April Fool's Day! The post below, however, is entirely true.

I finally phoned the Country Desk yesterday because they never answered my email about receiving my staging documents. (I'll be traveling close to departure and wanted to see what address I should list.) The very helpful fellow at the desk said that they had never gotten that email, nor had they gotten the resume and aspiration statement that I sent in February or so.

Turns out, I had been using the wrong email address! The invitation kit says to send things to [countryname]@XXXXXX I was using prc@XXXX and apparently it is actually china@XXXX. In retrospect, I should have known, but it never occurred to me... Shame on me for being an East Asian Studies major.

Anyhow, no harm done, and I've resent the documents to the proper address and received confirmation. And I noted the email address.

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