Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Last Doctor's Appointment (?)

I went in for my visa physical today--it was blessedly quick and painless and involved minimal poking and prodding. My doctor was thoroughly amused by many of the questions, including "Neck?" [to which she answered "present and accounted for"] and "Toxicoparanoia?" [which she hadn't heard of].

I also had to get more bloodwork, which was rather embarrassing because the only things I needed were HIV and syphilis tests. The phlebotomy techs gave me a knowing/pitying look that made me feel very awkward. I also had chest x-rays and asked for them on a CD as required by the PRC government. After I got home, I realized that they had also included my toe x-rays from the summer. I hope it seriously confuses some bureaucrat in the future, as a small form of payback for this whole mess of red tape.

Hoorah for the last of the med stuff!

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