Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I went to see the travel nurse today as my doctor advised. I certainly trust PC people to give me adequate prophylaxis, but I'd rather get shots now instead of when I'm moving half way around the world. The Welcome Book says that PC China vaccinates for: hepatitis A and B, rabies, Japanese encephalitis, typhoid, influenza, meningitis, diptheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella. The nurse largely agreed, but she also gave me anti-malarials. Apparently, I should take them if I go into any rural areas in Sichuan or Guizhou during the summer. That seems like a likely occurence, so I'll bring them along. She also gave me Cipro to take along in case of traveler's diarrhea. Lovely.

I was nervous that I would need tons of shots, but I lucked out. I have already had everything but Hep A, Japanese encephalitis, typhoid, and rabies. Typhoid vaccine comes in pills, interestingly enough. One refrigerates them and takes them every other day for a week. They also give you a handy "Livestrong" style bright orange rubber bracelet proclaiming "Remember Oral Typhoid Vaccine!" Quite the fashion statement. I got the first shot of Hep A, to be followed by a second in six months. I couldn't get the encephalitis one today. Apparently it has a higher risk of side effects and they must observe you after the shot, and I didn't have time for it today. I'll go back for that later. Finally, the rabies vaccine is in short supply and not available for prophylaxis. Oops.

Short version: I was afraid of becoming a pincushion, but it wasn't that bad. Hooray for being protected!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Good to to be covered right?
I think in China you'll be fine, Even where PC goes in China its more developed than most other PC countries. I've been in China for a total of 6 months (not w/ pc) and I didn't have any of those shots and I'm a-okay....never needed the immodium either!