Friday, October 31, 2008

Letter from DC

Apparently they just figured out that I exist. I hope they aren't usually this slow! The Boston office was the one behind all the other work.

Anyhow, the central office in DC sent me a letter saying hello and telling my about the toolkit. Yeah, I already figured that out :-)

In other news, the website was updated to inform me that they mailed my kit on October 29th. Hope it's here soon!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Online Toolkit

So they have a nifty thing that keeps you super-updated on your application status. It had a tiny bit of information before I was nominated, but it exploded overnight.

It tells me exactly what I still have to do. They haven't mailed my medical kit yet, but there is a checklist of all the things I am going to have to do. It's a ton! I may be able to use my physical from June, but I have to convince the doctor to transfer all that to the Peace Corps form as well as order all the bloodwork. It might be easier to just have a new physical. When I get the forms, I should be able to tell.

They reimburse you for the medical expenses, but only a little, like $200 for everything. I should be ok with student health center, but it's got to be tough for people without insurance. Or even with insurance- I doubt it covers all the extra bloodwork and shots.

The website also has a section to learn more about your region, ways to thing about how you'll adapt to the culture, and other neat exercises.

It also has a section of things you can print and send to your family. Like how safe and healthy and well-trained you'll be. Useful. Perhaps it will help set the parents at ease.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


J nominated me for the following post:

Program: English Teacher

Program #: 171 2009 3 J1

Region: Asia (China)

Addition Information: Post prefers (NOT requires) that trainees have Masters Degree. Post requires they have 6 months classroom teaching experience.

Date of Departure: June 2009

She recommended that I go ahead and make dentist and doctor appointments so I can get medically cleared ASAP. Done. Dentist appointment next Wednesday and eye and doctor appointments for the 14th. Not as soon as I would like, but what can I do? I think that should be quick enough.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


J is checking on the exact date of the China trip departure. She can't nominate me for it until I'm sure that I go.


I agonized over what to formal of clothes do you wear to an important interview for a very crunchy type group? I decided on a nice blouse and jacket with brown slacks. It was perfect; my recruiter was in a simple sweater and skirt. I love the professional relaxedness of the Peace Corps!

The interview itself was surprisingly easy. We just chatted a long while about how and when and where I could go- a little tricky because of graduation, etc. There's a chance I could go for the China program. Usually, they just slot you for a region, but with China, South Africa, Paraguay, and Mongolia, they put you on country tracks. The China program sounds perfect, but it leaves the first week of June. Commencement is June 4th. That could be a problem...

The other interview was just basic questions: Why do you want to do the Peace Corps? Are you worried about food? Housing? Are you romantically involved? How will that affect you? Etc.

J (recruiter) was friendly and easy going. She ended up the interview by saying that she planned to nominate me that afternoon! I was expecting a bit of delay, at least, but I guess not! Yay!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Packet is Here!

The packet arrived today with a friendly letter from the Boston recruiting office. Glad I'm applying, etc, etc, turn these forms in pronto.

- The skill addenda was easy- filled out whether I could do a list of tasks in Spanish or French. also listed my teaching experience.
-NAC form- authorizing a background check. In triplicate.
-Fingerprint cards- I had to go to the police department to get these done. I was expecting messy ink, but they have a nifty digital machine. Downside: I had to pay $20 bucks for the two cards.

The packet also had information on the assignment area (education) I picked, medical conditions that preclude service, etc.

I got all the forms together, and I will pass them off to the recruiter at my interview Friday.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

And we have contact!

Today I got an email from my recruiter J. I've met her once, and she was very nice. Today she emailed me saying she'd mailed a packet of more forms to complete. She also offered some times for an interview. I emailed back, set up an interview for Friday, and starting scrambling to find some nice clothes for the hour and fifteen minutes (gulp!) interview.

Outstanding forms:
-College transcript
-Skill addenda (in packet)
-NAC form (in packet)
-Fingerprint card (in packet)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Application Complete!

So I finally worked my way through the entire online application. Be warned, it is extremely picky about logging out. If you close the window without logging out, it won't let you access your application again until quit the browser, then empty your cache and clear your cookies. Annoying.

The sections on the application:
--Personal Information- Name, Address, Race, SSN, etc.
--Application Information- Date available, previous application, etc.
--Legal Information- Are you a criminal? Drunk? No? Good good.
--Financial Information- Do you have any debt?
--Intelligence Activities- Do you work for the CIA?
--Military Status- Are you in the army? [Why would you apply if you were?]
--Family Information- Spouse? How's that going?
--Dependents- Are you going to be leaving a kid (or brood) behind to go globe-trotting?
--Job Preference- What do you want to do for the Peace Corps? Pick from these.
--Post-Secondary Education- College stuff.
--Language Skills
--Licenses and Certificates- Teaching, First Aid, etc.
--Employment History
--Community and Volunteer Activities- It was confusing for me to figure out what was employment and what was volunteer since I get a stipend for a lot of volunteer work...
--Geographic Preference- How flexible are you? Where do you want to go? Where will you not go? Why?
--Practical Experience- Just in case we missed something in the last fifteen sections.
--Essays- Cross Cultural Experience and Motivation Statement. Like college essays but scarier.
They also want a resume.

You also have three recommendations: one friend, one volunteer supervisor, and one boss.
They fill them out online.

Also, you have to submit the Health Status Review in order for the application to be complete. I didn't know this. It's quick though, as it's a bunch of yes or no questions. "Do you have diabetes? Parkinson's? A funny shaped nose?"

Whew! Finally complete. Submitted at 11:53 on October 15th, 2008. Now we wait.