Thursday, June 11, 2009


Graduation (ahem, sorry, Commencement) was superb. They haven't changed much about it since the 1700's, so the meeting begins with all the ancient little shriveled alumni marching in and the county sheriff rides in on a horse and bangs his staff on the stage to call order. (Can you imagine being elected sheriff then finding out that part of your job?) It was lovely to have family there, and I was glad the ceremonies were solemn but positive and not sappily tear-jerking as many high school graduations are.

With all that successfully wrapped up (and friends still firmly connected via gchat), I'm back at my parents preparing to head to China. I've amassed most of the clothes I want to take but still need to get my pack, some khakis, a flashlight, etc. Lots of odds and ends to wrap up in the next couple weeks. Also, my grandpa might or might not be having surgery in another state, so that's added a level of intrigue to planning. Fortunately, it's not too serious, but it might be difficult to be away from home the last week I'm in the states.

I'm thoroughly enjoying following the China facebook group. Also fervently hoping we don't get quarantined like Mayor Nagin. I guess it wouldn't be too bad because the whole plane load of us would be together...?

1 comment:

Christian said...

Congrats of commencement! See you in 18 days in SF, and good luck packing, I feel like I'm in a similar stage of disarray.