Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Labs, Pt. I

I went to University Health Services (UHS) today for the first bit of blood work. I got a little bubble of TB purified protein derivative injected under my skin quite painlessly. I have to go back in 48 hours to make sure it hasn't reacted. Looks fine so far.

I also had a five minute chat with my doctor to sign the HIV test consent form and have him order the rest of the blood work for me. He confirmed my suspicions that much of this is largely unnecessary. He actually called the PC office once and complained that they were over-testing healthy people! I love my doctor.

Some of the blood tests are fasting tests, so I'll go Thursday morning and get them done. Tomorrow morning is the dentist. Dreading the periodontal probe. That just sounds bad...

1 comment:

S. said...

that's strange...I didn't have to fast for any of my blood work...I wonder if I missed one!

P.S. Congrats!