Sunday, November 2, 2008

Medical Kit Arrived!

And to say that it is extensive would be a gross understatement. The packet includes the following:

-Instructions and Checklist
-Report of Physical Abilities- Can you ride a bike? Lift 20 pounds? etc.
I. Introduction
II. Health Conditions Requiring Further Information from the Physician
--These are things I answered yes to on the Health Status Review bit of the application. For me, this means describing my "allergy to medication other than sulfa drugs," "other birth control method" meaning the pill, and having a high BMI.
III. Other things I checked yes to on the form- having visited a mental health counselor in the last ten years. Ten years?! Now I have to go track down the person I saw and get her to fill out a rather extensive form. I also have to write a personal statement saying how I plan to cope with the stress.
IV. A checklist of conditions that I have or haven't had in the last year.
V. Generic stuff, like height weight, BP, and pulse.
VI. Complete clinical exam- head, nose, mouth, thyroid, ears, eyes, lungs, breasts, cardiac, peripheral pulse, abdomen, anus, pelvic spine, musculoskeletal, neurologic, skin, scars and tattoos, psychiatric. Head to toe indeed!
VII. Labs- Have to attach copies of these reports: Urinalysis, PAP, TB test, HIV, CBC (complete blood count), Hep B, Hep C, G6PD (something with red blood cells)
VIII. Required Tests for older people- don't apply to me
IX. Immunizations- Have to get: tetanus booster, Polioi booster, MMR booster. Have to list whether I've had Yellow fever, Hep B, or Hep A vaccines.
X. The End! The doctor signs and dates

Also, the Dental Exam:
I. Check off location of fillings, check off teeth with abnormalities
II. Periodontal evaluation. According to Webster's, this means a gum evaluation. Gingivitis, etc. Very complicated. I hope my dentist can handle this.
III. Third Molar Evaluations- Yay no problems! Mine are long gone.
IV. TMJ evaluation- popping lock jaw
V. Bruxism- grinding the teeth
VI. Prosthesis
VII. Treatment completed after the evaluation.
I also need full mouth and bitewing x-rays. Yikes.

I learned a lot about dental health. I'm confused though...if I need to have cavities filled, can I still send the form in? Maybe I can get it all done before the 14th since my dentist appt is first.

Eyeglasses form- just the prescription and frame measurement.

And last but not least, a nice prepaid envelope in which to send it.

This is...intense.


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