Saturday, November 21, 2009

Remiss in my blogging duties

As I have been reminded by various emails, I have been remiss in my blogging duties. My apologies...but life is very quiet these days and nothing of interest that is also bloggable has happened. Let's see, what has happened...

-I judged a very very long speech competition. The topics were "My Future is not a Dream" and "Thus is a Real University Student." In some ways it was like spending a day at a motivational seminar. The department treated us to both lunch and dinner, which was nice, but lots of food and lots of speeches made for a looong day.

-I did a lesson on body language with my sophomores, which was so fun. We did "gesture charades" to point out those gestures which differ in China and America. I now know why cupping my ear to get my students to speak up has little effect- it is not the gesture for "I can't hear you" here! The best part of the lesson was silent skits. I had groups of 5 design a completely silent scene to show just how much you could convey without words. My favorite was the one where three students pantomined a bus. Another student turned his head while walking to check out a pretty girl and smacked straight into the bus, and they all laughed at him. Another group did a silent rock band, which was also pretty awesome.

-Lots of holiday festivities are coming up, so I will be sure to update when interesting things do happen.

Finally, check the photostream for pictures of our first snowfall and ridiculously cold weather.

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