Friday, February 6, 2009

More Paperwork. Really?

It never ends, seriously. I knew that there was more medical paperwork to get a work visa for China. I understand their need to prevent diseases from entering the country, but I just had all of this stuff done for the Peace Corps. * sigh * Anyhow, for any other China applicants, here's what they want:

--Foreigner Physical Examination Form- you can see a copy here. Standard info for the most part.

--Lab reports for HIV 1 and 2, a syphilis test, EKG with interpretations, and chest x-rays. I have to send in original lab reports dated after April 1st and the EKG in, but the chest x-rays I have to carry with me on the plane. I don't get it, but ok.

--Dental form. This I don't understand and need to phone the office about. It says they will pay $20 for this update, but it doesn't say what I need to have filled out. I'm hoping this is just since I haven't gotten dental clearance yet, but we'll see.

They're serious about this exam (where they=PRC). I have to submit a passport photo signed by my doctor to prove that I'm actually the person being examined and I didn't send in a healthy body double or something. Also, everything has to be stamped with the "official hospital stamp." I'm not sure University Health Services even has an official stamp. This is getting a little crazy...

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