Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Invitation Kit, Part Two

I've had a chance to get through the invitation kit, so here's some thoughts:

--Assignment booklet: chockful of interesting information. Lots of details about the sort of places I'll be working and what I might be expected to do. For example, I'll teach between 14 and 16 hours in the classroom, and I'll have between 35 and 85 folks in my class. Oof.

--I get to apply for a government passport. That's sort of exciting, no? I also have to fill out the visa application. After some debate, I decided to include my Chinese name. I hope it doesn't confuse anyone, but I might as well make it official now. I'm fond of the name my teacher gave me, so now's a good time to stick with it.

--I have to submit a resume and aspiration statement. I spent a lot of time crafting my original resume, so I'm a little sad to have to put it into a standardized format. The aspiration statement is also a little tricky- they ask about anticipated challenges and expectations. This is odd, since the PC theme seems to be "have no expectations." Anyway, I think I can handle it.

--The Finance folder was extremely helpful. I get life insurance as a PCV, so there's a form to designate a beneficiary. Also, they have brochures on personal property insurance. Mine works out to be about $70 a year, which seems reasonable. I got a cheap computer for a reason, but I'd still pay $100 for a deductible than $500 to replace it. It also includes information on student loans (which I don't have, thank heavens), income taxes (I probably won't make enough to be taxed), and other debts (which I also don't have).

--Staging forms. Mostly empty since the Staging Kit comes later. For now, just a registration form and a final eligibility check: Have you been arrested since the last time we spoke? etc.

--Domestic Connections: Press release info and signing up to penpal with American school kids. Not super exciting, since I'm not sure my program is well-suited for cultural exchange with kiddos.

--Welcome Book- no surprise here since it's on the yahoo group's website.

--Volunteer Handbook- Pretty much what I expected. Some interesting rules on appropriate use of PC owned technology.

I think that's all. It was a very hefty package. Now I just have to get a bit more dental work done, and I should be good to go.

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