Thursday, October 15, 2009

Embarrassing Moment of the Day? Month? Decade?

So today, the bus home was a bit crowded- about three deep in the aisle. A man in work pants, the kind with loops for hanging tools, was trying to squeeze by me and the old lady next to me. As he brushed pass, somehow the button on the back pocket of my jeans got tangled in one of the loops on his pants. And somehow, we got really stuck. He starts shouting for the bus driver to wait so he can get off, but because of the angle, neither of us could see the problem. After some very awkward fumbling, the old lady helped us out, shaking from trying not to laugh at our very red faces. Once untangled, the man positively fled. I didn't blame him at all!

I suppose I need things to keep me humble... :-)

1 comment:

patti s said...

Hey Ginger, Some things don't need to be translated do they? Embarrassment is universal! Also, just think, if this is your regular bus and it is his regular bus and her regular bus----well, you see where I am going with this. Good chuckle.