Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We went to see the big Buddha in Leshan today. It was a two hour drive followed by observing current PCV’s teaching at a teacher training institute. They were mostly doing student-centered activities, which is good, but not particularly useful to observe. After that, we had a tasty lunch.

The actual Big Buddha was slightly disappointing. It’s a…really big Buddha statue. I’m sure if you are a Buddha aficionado, it is a more meaningful experience, but it wasn’t a big (ahah) deal to me. The trip was salvaged by going to a teahouse after our boat ride and playing cards and majiang for a couple hours. That was great.

Finally, I leave you with some food funnies:
-I came home the other day to find a turtle swimming in a plastic aquarium in the living room, complete with fake trees. The family was cooing how cute it was and had named him WuWu. I thought we got a pet turtle to get go with the pet cats. Turns out he was dinner, and a very tasty one at that!
-Roasted or boiled eggs here are served in halves with the shell still on. Take note.
-Sichuan is famous for ma peppers which have roughly the same effect as novacaine. They're amazing at making your mouth all numb, but oh so tasty with green beans!


patti s said...

Hi Ginger, Do I have to do EVERYTHING? Your photo link is wrong, I, of course, figured it out. The link leaves of the last n in your name. You're welcome.
Just kidding. Hope you are doing well in the famous Chengdu heat. The South prepares you a little bit, but you still don't have to like it. Thanks for blogging.
Patti S.

Ginger said...

Fixed, thanks!