Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How it all began

I've always wanted to do some sort of public service. I plan to do it as a career. Also, I want to travel between college and grad school.

Public service + travel = Peace Corps

So, my motivation was pretty straight forward to start with, but the more I found out about the program, the more I liked it. I like the well-organized structure, the guarantee of safety, the in-country medical staff, etc. I also like its full disclosure of its goal to improve the US image abroad. Nearly all NGO's have some sort of goal beyond public service, but few are willing to talk about it.

So, I decided to apply. I met people who were returned volunteers, and I realized that I wanted to be them when I grow up. They go on to have the careers that I want, the lives I'd like to have. Thus the journey begins...